THE TRANSLIGHTERS SUPER enhances and improves all aspects of your luminosity and most people can feel this light. They feel awkward when interacting with people whose luminosity level is low. People with high luminosity are attractive. They are noticed and paid attention to. The expression “bright people” is not a metaphor at all – it means real people with high luminosity (energy), with whom you feel at ease and comfortable.
Econorm Basic Structure in Translighters Ecosystem
Econorm Basic Structure in Translighters Ecosystem. Econorm is a device for cleaning the space of an automobile from “information distortions” connected with different types of pathogenic influences of the environment.
Bionet LAD is a system adapter for mobile telephones, computers, TV sets, microwaves, etc
Bionet LAD is a system adapter for mobile telephones, computers, TV sets, microwave ovens and other appliances. With the help of the Lad, domestic appliances acquire unique qualities, the ability to restore the quantum structure of a person.
The Biointernet Mirror – Mirror of Joy version 2.0. DNA Machine. Time Travel Management. Mirror of Joy – rejuvenation of the organism, expansion of true Wishes, self-programming for Success. Long Time period integrator. Time Travel Management Machine
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