Potential of Love – Device for increasing the Quality of Love

A famous song says: “Don’t tell me about love, everything has been already said about it”. Nevertheless, Love has always been an inexhaustible topic.
We are speaking about Love from the perspective of Light and structural relationships.
Love is Light, the ability to Love is an ability to exchange this Light. Every person, every human being emanates light. This light can be partly measured by equipment, based on the Kirlian effect (the GDVCAMERA Bio-Well https://gdvcamera.com/). This measurable light is precisely the manifested part of the Light of Love.
What can the owner of the POTENTIAL of LOVE expect?
What is happening under the influence of this Translighter?
The manifestation of love in the life of the person becomes more intensive;
The self-evaluation and self-sufficiency of the person in the relationships increase;
The ability to love and be loved significantly improves;
The fear of being rejected disappears;
The tension in relationships between people reduces;
New relationships are created as an ability of mutual support and mutual empathy;
The feeling of closeness and contact in relationships with people gets stronger;
Additional feeling of lightness in relationships appears and enables to strengthen the relationships.
Why does it become possible due to using the POTENTIAL of LOVE card?
Every person has a need for love, as a possibility to connect with something/ somebody outside themselves. Everybody satisfies this need in their own way. This kind of connection can have many different tasks. An endless number of belletristic, philosophical and scientific books have been written on this topic. We would just like to note that the usual material world and material relationships do not solve this task. Let’s go back to the idea that Love is Light. It can seem that if a person as a living being which can emanate light is able to exchange the light with other people, the exchange of people’s own Living Light is precisely the way of solving the task of connection. However, various factors can prevent people from exchanging their Living Light. These factors weaken and distort this Light. These can be external factors, such as physical fields of different kinds, distortions of the structure of the space, etc., as well as internal factors, such as different kinds of fears and phobias; stereotypes of perception, caused by education, etc. Such factors can lead to big energy losses and weakening of the Living Light.
Moreover, the time structures of the Living Light of different people are different. As a result, the potentials o manifestation of different people are also different.
Let’s look at the following model. There is a phenomenon known as homeostasis. Every living being or system strives for balance and resists efforts which upset their balance.
Let’s look at the potential V-function, which describes the changes of a person’s potential, conditioned by some X-parameter. It is possible to illustrate the homeostasis on the graph as a function with its minimum index in the Х1 point (See Figure 1). Any deviation from the Х1 point requires some particular effort and will create tension in System 1. Therefore, System 1 will resist this kind of changes.
In order to illustrate another person, we need to create another function with its minimum index in the Х2 point (See Figure 2).
The difference between the indexes Х1 and Х2 is conditioned by individual deviations. This is precisely the manifestation of different representations of the time structure. If a person, while attempting to build relationships with another person, gives priority to their own conditions, on the graph it looks as shifting of the other graph (for example, V2) to the Х1 area. For example, the first person can force the other one to obey their demands (relationships of the “become who I want you to be” type, etc.) Such relationships can be named “passion of power”.
Such relationships will make the second person feel tension, which will inevitably lead to breakup of the relationships in future. This means that if in the beginning the person agrees to fulfill the other person’s requirements, such relationships most probably won’t last long (let’s call the relationships, based on this readiness to obey, “power of passion”). These are extreme manifestations of structural incompatibility of time, which lead to difficulties of establishing time connections with people. In everyday life we usually see many kinds of interim states of this incompatibility.
In order to get rid of the tension, it is necessary to create common time structure, which would include both states – V3 (See Figure 3). However, the structure of the V3 graph is more complicated than that of V1 and V2 graphs. Therefore, in order to overcome contradictions in relationships with people it is necessary to manifest a potential function of higher complexity. This means that Light characteristics of loving people should have higher dimensions.
So the POTENTIAL of LOVE creates conditions for:

Reducing the level of noise, which distorts the Light of Love between people. The amount and brightness of the light increase. The user begins to illuminate other people more intensively, which creates conditions for manifestation of their Light of Love. People become more attracted to each other.
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Potential of Love
Devices for increasing the Quality of Love
Potential of Love Female version