Green Biointernet system
Original price was: €2,332.00.€1,832.00Current price is: €1,832.00. 21%
Green Biointernet system
Start Level
Green Biointernet system:
The Biointernet Mask – 272
Mirror of Joy – 207
BLAGA Classic – 293
Super – 163
Comfort – 91
Eureka – 225
Lad (2 pcs) – 60×2=120
Intention Card – 290
Potential of Love – 280
Gold Mask – 380
MHC Ticket – 9.99
Translighters Games – free
Total: 2332 EUR
Discount: 500 EUR
Final: 1832 EUR
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Green Biointernet system – The Biointernet Connection
RGB Human Light System – The Biointernet Equipment
RGB The Biointernet System

Red Biointernet System
Green Biointernet System
Blue Biointernet System
The RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red, green, and blue.
The main purpose of the RGB color model is for the sensing, representation and display of images in electronic systems, such as televisions and computers, though it has also been used in conventional photography. Before the electronic age, the RGB color model already had a solid theory behind it, based in human perception of colors.
RGB is a device-dependent color model: different devices detect or reproduce a given RGB value differently, since the color elements (such as phosphors or dyes) and their response to the individual R, G, and B levels vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, or even in the same device over time. Thus an RGB value does not define the same color across devices without some kind of color management.
Аюрведа –
Купила сразу все Translighters, кроме Голд и Эконорма. И вот что наблюдаю после 2 месяцев использования Translighters:
– Эффект уплотнения количества событий на единицу времени очень сильно чувствуется.
– Ощущаю свое энергетическое поле как большое, массивное и плотное образование.
– Открыла для себя систему Турбо-Суслик во время использования Translighters, и должна сказать, что очень довольна результатами своих проработок. У меня эта система очень даже работает.
– Стала сильно чувствовать людей, моя проницательность повысилась на порядок, наверное.
– Манипуляции, основанные на чувстве вины, на меня теперь не действуют.
– Свою основную задачу, как матери, теперь вижу в том, чтобы помочь своей дочке быстро расправляться с накатами чувства вины. И у меня большие успехи на этом поприще. Как результат – дочка теперь практически постоянно находится в отличном настроении, смеется, у нее раскрылись творческие способности, начиная от рисования и заканчивая музыкальными импровизациями в игре на пианино, хотя никто ее не учил и не учит играть.
– Наладила отношения в коллективе на работе.
– Перестало хотеться спать во время рабочего дня, очень много энергии.
– и много чего еще…:))
Rowan –
i bought the cards 5 years ago, and at the time i had a really bad skin problem and various health issues. in the last 5 years i researched and educated myself, and eventually ended up meeting some of the worlds top alternative doctors. between them (all unconnected) they gave me back my health for free. between them they spent 25’000 pounds on my health, sending me to a clinic in mexico, gave me a stem cell laser treatment and many many boxes of supplements . it has been a truly magical journey. no one can believe that it all happened for free. i didnt know how to use the devices then, i was not doing any operations other than wearing the card by my neck, the headband sometimes and eye shades, plus some mirror magic…but on a very basic level.
Sergei Nikolaevich –
Sergei Nikolaevich Atamas
Director General of the YugResursCenter Ltd. from Rostov-on-Don
I have been doing business for already, many years; that’s why I understand that in business, the energy of a person plays a very important role. If you have good energy-flow, your business runs smoothly, without failures. I practice various techniques for building my energy such as, Wushu, and Qi Gong. Use of the Translighters also helps to increase the level of energy of a person. As for my personal experience, the Translighter helped me to reveal some hidden threats that had existed in my factory. They existed before, as well, but I did not notice them. Perhaps some channels of perception were blocked. And suddenly, it was as if my eyes opened. I managed to fix the revealed defects with minimal losses which led to business stabilization for my company.
These are the results which I achieved while using the Translighters:
1. They help to solve chronic, difficult situations in life which have persisted for a long time.
2. They improve mutual understanding between people while communicating.
3. They normalize a person’s psychological state (help an excited person to relax, and brings energy to a listless person).
4. They help a person to relax physically and psychologically.
5. They facilitate the perception of new information, both visual (for example, while reading) and auditory (while listening to a lecture).
Sergei Nikolaevich –
6. They improve a person’s abilities, connected with sports and games: it was noted that the coordination of the table tennis players improved significantly, as well as their ability to “feel the ball” and the power to hit the ball. All in all, the Translighters improve a person’s perception in various sporting activities.
Sergei Nikolaevich Atamas
Sviatoslav Belza –
Sviatoslav Belza
A People’s Artist of Russia, an honored artist; an academic of the Russian Academy of Arts, the Russian and Eurasian Television Academy; a member of the Writers’ Union, the Union of Journalists and the Union of Theatre Workers of the Russian Federation
The most important thing about this device is that it follows the adage of Hippocrates: “Do no harm!” Actually, it seems to me that I have already begun to feel its life-giving energy. I have become more cheerful after exhausting journeys. And I have registered its positive effect on my pet with absolute certainty – I mean the famous cat Bastik, which has appeared so many times in the press: his appetite and mood got much better after the Translighters were brought to our house. So I recommend that you try it yourself and at the same time, to use it for your pets!