Extracts from some of the reports on research of Translighters
Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Yakutsk)
The device “Translighter” first and foremost activates rather selectively anti-toxic function of enzymes. The “Translighter” makes normalizing influence on very complicated structural-functional systems of human blood cells (leucocytes).
To these systems there are referred systems with very broad structural variety or systems including poly-enzyme complexes (systems with variable matrix biosyntheses to which replication – the process of cellular division – must not be referred to).
N-monoamineoxidase (NMAO) possess a high structural variety – changing of activity is from 1.5 to 9.8 times;
systems of translation (protein synthesis; poly-enzyme information-transforming complex) – changing of activity is 2.0-4.3 times;
reparation systems (correcting of mutations) of DNA (possess both iso-enzyme variety and poly-enzyme ability) – changing of activity is 2.6-4.0 times.
The normalizing effect of the “Translighter” presented itself most expressively in changing the most integral coefficients, characterizing the two main properties of all the aggregate of cellular biochemical systems – stability and productivity of the cell genetic apparatus.
The research made demonstrates the immune-normalizing function of the Translighter. This fact is the most essential in preventive measures and medical treatment of not only infection diseases but also the illnesses with activation of auto-immune processes in their pathogenesis (chronic obstructive bronchitis and asthma, hepatitis, addictions, oncological
pathologies, predispositions to endocrine disorders, stresses and many others).
Rostov-on-Don Oncological Institute
The Laboratory of Biophysics
The comparison of the blood parameters before and after the use of the Translighter testified to forming the stable reaction of activation without signs of strain. Changing of the percentage of lymphocytes was within the limits usual for calm and raised activation. There were observed discrete transpositions from raised activation (34.5% of lymphocytes, 5% of monocytes) into calm (29.5% of lymphocytes, 5% of monocytes) or lowering the level of lymphocytes from 42 % to 36.5% within the limits of raised activation. The normalizing influence of the device is confirmed also by the fact that the raised level of eosynophyles became lower.
The Laboratory METTEM
The content of iron at the initial value equal to 10 of limited acceptable concentration and pollution of water by microorganisms after the influence of the device decrease to 25-35 % and 35-40% respectively.
Kuban State Agriculture University, All-Russian Research Institute of Oil –Bearing Crops (Krasnodar)
The laboratory research of the influence of the device “Translighter” on the efficiency of processing of the seeds of winter wheat, sunflower demonstrated that the device positively affects increasing the length of the sprout and root (up to 30-50%).
PLC Kaleidoscope of windows
Elimination of spatial structural distortions using the technology of IMCS (the product the Translighter -windows) significantly improves the conditions of information exchange between people and the environment, which is realized in qualitative improvement of the kirlianograms. The suggested technology can be used for treatment of accommodations and premises.
The enterprise 7 TMP (Moscow)
The tests were made on 17 automobiles (Volga-6 cars, Lada (Zhiguli) – 4 cars, Moscvitch -1 car, UAZ -1 vehicle, Gazel – 5 vehicles). To demonstrate the influence of motor state on dynamics of lowering the CO and CH rates there were chosen vehicles without special preliminary regulations and adjustment.
The results of the tests are as follows:
Lowering of toxicity of exhaust gases in all the vehicles by CO and CH was 2-10 times depending on their state. In the drivers’ opinions in the very first days after the “automobile tablet” had been fixed the dynamic characteristics of the automobiles improved (startability, capacity); the noise of the motors reduced; after 2-3 weeks fuel expenditure decreased though special measuring of fuel use were not taken.
By changing of CO and CH rates there were revealed the vehicles in which adjustment of the motor was not correct (carburetor, ignition, valves); this fact was proven in the study of the automobiles. Elimination of the discovered drawbacks in adjustment of these vehicles allowed to reduce additionally the toxicity of the exhaust. Thus, the demand of the instruction to fix the device in the automobile with the necessary regulations made before using the Svetlitsa was practically confirmed.
Cases of negative influence of the device on characteristics of the tested vehicles were not marked.
Conclusion: the received statistical reliable data allow to claim that the “automobile tablet” is the device for essential reducing the toxicity (2-10 times) of the exhaust car gases and it may be recommended for using it in automobiles.
Krasnodar State Medical University
The Chair if inner illnesses
The conducted research of the adapters made in the IMCS testify to their positive effect on the system of energy-informational provision of a man. For the first time there was discovered universal character of stabilizing synchronization of emission frequencies of the adapters and the energy centers of a man thanks to a selective tuning of the devices on the frequency ranges coming from the organs. The adapters map information structures of the man’s field, tuning themselves to energy-informational destruction, thus coming into a new conditions of the information influence.
The adapters harmonize the energy-information system of a man, restoring physiological functions of adaptive protection system (the central nervous system, hormone system), stop the stress reactions.
The evident effect of rejuvenation, lowering the biological age is discovered. The “young” structural elements appear on 40-45 day from the beginning of the experiment. Biological age lowered from 50.2+ 5.7 years to 38.5=6.2, with statistic value p=0.02. The received data testify to changing the flow of exchange processes; the phenomenon of their acceleration is revealed.
PLC Aquasistema
Investigation of the influence of the device Translighter on crystallization of water.
In the photo there are crystals of the Baikal water before using the Translighter (left) and after using it (right). It is well seen that measurability of the structure represented in the crystal is significantly higher after the influence of the Translighter. In the centre of crystals it is possible to notice a spheric ball with numerous directions of crystallization, which is not usually present in crystals of the Baikal water.
In the diagram changing of water crystallization index which shows the quality of water is given.
The conclusion of the Federal Scientific Clinical Experimental Centre of Traditional Methods Of Diagnostics and Treatment of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation signed by S.V.Zenin, Dr. of Biological Sciences, PhD of Chemistry and PhD of Philosophy, founder of the “theory of water memory”.
Conclusion: “The presence of all values of dependence especially while entering a plateau, in the field of negative values shows the approach to a known variation of dependence for spring water that characterizes direction of the change of the water structural state favorable for an organism”.
Results of researches of the Translighter carried out by the laboratory of the biological faculty of the Moscow State University using professor N.A.Tushmailova’s method. Information efficiency of water was estimated according to the state of unicells – infusoria Spirostomum ambiguum immersed in it. Progressive motion of infusoria is provided by myonemes contained in cytoplasm. Therefore change of movement speed, behavior and especially survivability is the rate of the functional state of unicells.
Conclusion: “After exposure of water to the Translighter for an hour the index of locomotor activity of infusoria has grown by 52 percent that reflects favorable for living organisms direction of the change of the water structure”.