The Body Designer – 2020 Translighters Model
The Body Designer System
New Mind-Body-Soul System Process
The Bio-Net Equipment
Fitness program BODY DESIGNER by Marten Sport
Personal diet consulting by Dr. Alex Dvoryanchikov
and more inside The Body Designer System
Body Designer will help you design yourself, create yourself
Create a body of your dream!
More about The Body Design System Process:
mind, body, spirit process
Body Designer 2020 Magic Package
– card, pendant and 2 wristbands plus
Available 3 types of the Body Designer:
Light – card, pendant and 2 wristbands
Workout – card, pendant and 2 wristbands plus Body Design Workout by Marten Sport
Professional – card, pendant and 2 wristbands plus Workout by Marten Sport and Personal consultation by Dr. Dvoryanchikov
Order Body Designer here

More New devices 2020
Body Designer will help you design yourself, create yourself
Create a body of your dream now!
Body Designer will create the conditions in which you will be destined to succeed in your efforts
First, let’s think about why there is such a variety of ways and recipes to lose weight? Why repeated attempts to lose weight provide only a temporary effect, after which all comes back?
The whole point of sustainability. The organism is a very stable system. It prevents any attempt to change themselves. There is such a thing as homeostasis. It is the ability of an organism as an open system, to maintain consistency of its internal state through coordinated responses designed to maintain a dynamic equilibrium.
The man is a dissipative dynamic (or stream) system. We pass through the various streams – matter, energy and information. The form of the human body corresponds to the totality of these flows.

Body Designer activates your mental designer
Body Designer is a consolidation of the thought processes
Consciousness accelerate cognitive flows, the higher the clarity of thought and depth of understanding. There is a possibility of vision hidden cause-and-effect relationships and management. On this basis, begin to design new forms of your body.
Magic, Science, Technologies
Order Body Designer here
In order for the process of forming a new image to be successful. Body Designer has everything you need. Get creative imagination.
Do not limit yourself to formal attributes such as 90-60-90. A form must be created not formally, but informatively.
It is important to understand that using Body Designer will help you change your attitude towards yourself and the world.
In order to increase the flow rate for the body, we will use water. Insist on the card, pure water and drink it in the morning and before each meal.
In addition, between meals, you also need to drink this water. If you feel hungry, then first drink this water. Water is necessary on the one hand to remove toxins from the body, and on the other to increase the material flow and replace part of the food with water.
Using Body Designer enhances intuition, so listen carefully to yourself, to the needs of your body.
How much deep does your soul strive for this or that food. Analyze It!
Is this your personal desire to eat this or that product, or is it imposed on you by the external environment, old habits and prejudices?
Your body knows very well what you wants, and when it wants to, don’t stop it from sorting it out.
Try to use this qualities in the store when buying products. What causes caution, despite the beautiful packaging? You can do this exercise with closed eyes.
Your preferences will gradually begin to shift when choosing food in favor of the one that is most useful and necessary for you.
Be smart when choosing foods. For starters, try reading what is written on the package.
Do not succumb to the illusory offers of advertising and pseudo-specialists nutritionists. All people are different.
There are no universal diets and diets. Any diet is an illusion if its implementation is associated with stress and inconvenience.

Analyze your eating habits
Doubt everything that is usually associated with food.
Find and Eliminate the reasons that make you overeat.
Keep a diary where you will record your observations, your thoughts, record your progress in creating a new body.
Pay attention to the Signs and Information that will come to you.
Think about why such information came to you. What you can do with It?
There is a lot of literature with a lot of different approaches and methods for beautiful body. They will start to catch your eye.
Read such books, they serve as a peculiar attitude to success. Books give us a important information what we didn’t know.
Perhaps one of them can be taken into service.
Get creative and come up with your own technique that leads you to success.
Create your information environment in which a new body is formed, new achievements and a new quality of life, new Time of Life, New Life…
Choose Body Designer here