The Body Constructor

The Body Constructor 2.0 – Body Designer 2020


BODY CONSTRUCTOR will help you to design yourself, create yourself – create for yourself a body you dream of. The BODY CONSTRUCTOR will create the conditions in which you will be destined to succeed in your efforts.

First, let’s think about why there is such a variety of ways and recipes to lose weight? Why repeated attempts to lose weight provide only a temporary effect, after which all comes back?

The whole point of sustainability. The organism is a very stable system. It prevents any attempt to change themselves. There is such a thing as homeostasis. It is the ability of an organism as an open system, to maintain consistency of its internal state through coordinated responses designed to maintain a dynamic equilibrium.

The man is a dissipative dynamic (or stream) system. We pass through the various streams – matter, energy and information. The form of the human body corresponds to the totality of these flows.

THE BODY CONSTRUCTOR activates your mental designer.
It is a consolidation of the thought processes.
Consciousness accelerate cognitive flows, the higher the clarity of thought and depth of understanding. There is a possibility of vision hidden cause-and-effect relationships and management. On this basis, begin to design new forms of your body.

Magic, Science, Technologies

The Mask

Welcome to Another Future!

The Mask – equipment for for Yoga, Lucid Dreaming, Remote Viewing, Intuitive Information Sight, Meditation, Telepathy, Materialization and for other The Biointernet Practices

The Body Constructor 2.0 – Body Designer 2020

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