THE TRANSLIGHTERS SUPER is a Bio-Compensator of influences of pathogenic factors on people

Super provides raising the quality of life at the expense of increasing the energy and restoring the integrity of a person.
The TRANSLIGHTER SUPER increases your adaptive capabilities, restores your informational relations, and takes away conflict and strains. The Super positively affects all aspects of life, raising its quality. The influence of the TRANSLIGHTER SUPER is many-sided and whole and is beneficial for health and for the entire vital system of the organism.
The body stops spending resources on processing unnecessary information and does not react to it. The saved resource is used to restore the body’s energy system.
Increasing energy potential (GDV Camera BIO-WELL test)

The TRANSLIGHTER SUPER makes all the parameters of your luminosity stronger and better and the majority of people can feel this light. They feel uneasy when communicating with people whose level of luminosity is low. People with high luminosity are attractive. They are noticed and paid attention to. The expression “lucid people” is not at all a metaphor – it means real people possessing high luminosity (energy), with whom you feel easy and comfortable.
Normalization of the oppressed systems of the organism

Studies conducted at various research institutes have confirmed that the main effect of using SUPER is the normalization of the functioning of oppressed body systems (immune, endocrine, cardiovascular and others). It manifests itself in the fact that if the controlled parameter is below the norm, it increases; if it is higher, it decreases. Thus, all body systems are gradually approaching normal. If the initial parameters are normal, nothing happens.
Therefore, SUPER cannot harm the body and does not have negative side effects. However, it should be noted that Super is not a drug and does not replace drug treatment prescribed by a doctor. It eliminates disorders that have not yet led to irreversible physiological changes in the body. Using SUPER in any therapy helps you recover much faster. Fatigue decreases, sleep improves, and self-confidence appears.
Strengthening psychological resilience
Users of the SUPER begin to receive more complete information from the environment as a result of the restoration of information connections. Their intuition improves, as does the quality of their decisions. The user of the SUPER reveals new qualities that were hidden earlier, potential opportunities that were not used. The integrity of interactions gives life fullness, filling it with new content, new relationships and acquaintances.
Events considered impossible become possible thanks to the implementation of complex systemic relationships.
The development of such a system of relations occurs gradually and steadily; these relationships are realized in unexpected happy events and coincidences. These coincidences become habitual, creating the background for the possibility of achieving what you want. In other words, good luck and success in business, relationships await you, and your health will also improve. Ensuring the integrity of external connections allows you to correctly plan and implement your movement in space, avoiding places where an accident or disaster is possible.
Life safety increases due to a reduction in the likelihood of accidents and disasters.
Removing barriers to mutual understanding
One of the most striking and most frequently noted effects of the SUPER is the improvement of mutual understanding between people. Agreeableness increases, the level of aggression decreases. Many businessmen note that it is becoming easier to find a common language with clients and it is easier to conclude contracts. There are fewer conflict situations in families. Children begin to study more successfully and behave more appropriately.
Methods of using the device TRANSLIGHTER SUPER
Restoring of the energetic and systems of the organism

Super should be worn close to the body (in a pocket or as a medallion) with the label facing the body; You can put it under your pillow at night. This way you cleanse your environment.
Your energy and body will begin to recover, and you will gradually feel better, increasing your work efficiency.
Colds will become very rare. In case of illness, you will recover faster by fixing the SUPER on the problem area. The treatment prescribed by the doctor will give a faster effect, and the pain will decrease faster.
If you take a blood test, you will see positive changes (hemoglobin will increase, immunity will increase).
The use of SUPER is especially important for those who work with various electrical devices (computers, radiotelephones, etc.). Super will help them compensate for the negative impact of these devices.
Drinking water purification
SUPER influences almost all parameters characterizing the organoleptic properties of drinking water, microbial numbers, even chemical composition, but mainly changes the information structure of water. To activate the water, place the device for 20-30 minutes under a tank filled with water, label side up. This water can be consumed in unlimited quantities; it can be used for cooking, bathing and for pets. This helps cleanse the body.
Compensation for the influence of geopathogenic zones
Place the SUPER LIGHT in the center of the detected geopathogenic zone. Within a radius of 1-1.5 meters, the device compensates for its influence.
For example place SUPER in the bed for calm night dream or on the table for the best taste of the meal or working table for better results.
Plant protection
Place the device under the plant pot with the label facing up. After a few days, you will see that the plant is getting stronger and growing faster. This plant will improve the Energy of your Home and create a special atmosphere of comfort. For better results, use SUPER purification water for plants.
How the SUPER works
There is no energy source or any known physical fields in this device. Its functioning is based on the latest achievements of physics – information management of the “space-time” structure.
Any object has its own structure and is “immersed” in a “spatio-temporal” environment. But “space-time” is not homogeneous; it also has a structure. These structures interact and exchange information. But there are other structures that bring dirt. They can be called interference or obstacles, since they are capable of distorting information exchange, introducing disruptions into ongoing processes.

The SUPER system adapter is a tool for creating the future – for making dreams come true
It is constructed as a topological structure such as a projective Mubius torus (F-torus) with timeless characteristics. This allows us to remove distortions in the monadic interactions of aspects of the past-present-future. By shaping the future, working as an impulsive system, it allows you to establish new relationships between the past and the future to create conditions for changing the spatio-temporal trajectory of movement towards a given future.
To explain the operation of the SUPER, consider the following example. Let’s say we want to bake a cake according to a given recipe. If the recipe is written correctly and there are no errors in it, then we can read it and do everything correctly. The result was the cake we intended to bake. If the piece of paper with the recipe is wrinkled or dirty, then the recipe is difficult to read (i.e. there are distortions in the recipe). While we are reading and deciphering an incomprehensible recipe, we are wasting extra time and the cake may burn; or we may misunderstand the recipe and put in the wrong ingredient. The taste of the cake becomes different – distorted (or spoiled).
To remove distortions, it is necessary to straighten or clean the sheet of paper with the recipe, i.e., restore information exchange in the process of preparing the cake. A regular Translighters restores current space distortions. SUPER performs all the functions of ordinary Translighters Basic Structures, but it begins to work even when we are faced with the task of preparing another cake for which there is no recipe. But the dream, fantasy, goal have already appeared, i.e. it is necessary to change the cake recipe. However, the recipe was made in the past, so there must be a connection between the expected future and the past in order to form something in the past; as in a database, new structural relationships that will lead to the emergence of a new recipe in the present.
In fact, SUPER is an amplifier-focuser that distributes the space-time trace in the body and dissipates the consequences of decay, as errors in the inharmonious life of an object. The spatio-temporal characteristics of the object acquire integrity.
Very often it is not possible to achieve a predetermined goal or dream because the necessary structures were not formed in the past. This is not a mistake, but a change in life’s path. Just as it is impossible to turn a ship out to sea in one moment, the path of life (trajectory) cannot be changed instantly.
Translighters SUPER time needs to be accumulated.
Therefore, you need to do the following:
- Form a dream – fantasy – goal.
- Start acting to implement it (Actions do not have to be direct. They can be indirect or even absurd, but they must contain an imitative model of approaching the goal).
- Be patient and notice positive signs that indicate you are moving in the right direction.
Translighters Games about Super
TG, Episode #16 – Super!!!
SuperMan and SuperWoman with Translighters Super!
The difference between the Translighters SUPER and other Translighters Basic Structures
Currently, there are many products that work on similar physical principles. To an inexperienced user, they all look the same. But the SUPER has a number of features that qualitatively distinguish it from others. The main difference is the ideology embedded in the structure of Translighters SUPER.
Among the products on the market, two ideologies can be named.
- The first ideology is protective, suggesting the presence of unfavorable factors from which it is desirable to protect. At the structural-information level of interactions, this problem is solved by blocking the channel through which unfavorable structural information arrives (by analogy with material protection, for which various screens, filters, reflectors, obstacles and special (diving) suits are used). . In the short term, such an ideology is quite effective, especially in the presence of a strong harmful factor. Blocking the negative affect channel can actually help you, as evidenced by numerous studies presented by the inventors of these products. However, in addition to the negative effect, the necessary information necessary for making the right decisions can also pass through the blocked channel. This information is also cut off and leads to a deterioration in the adaptive capabilities of the body. For this reason, long-term use of such protective devices is impractical.
- Another ideology is the ideology of harmonization. Inventors put laws of harmony into the structure of their products, which users do not have (according to the inventors) and which can benefit them. In fact, people use natural harmonizers: stones, metals, wood. The beneficial properties of stones are well known. But this ideology, for all its apparent attractiveness, has a number of drawbacks. Firstly, the developers may be mistaken about the usefulness of the law of harmony inherent in the device. Secondly, the world we live in is constantly changing and you must change with the world. This means that the harmonizers also need to be changed. Different stones should be used in different phases of the moon; Different types of wood should be used in different states and depending on the date of birth. The harmonizer, like a tuning fork, tunes you to a certain “melody”. If the melody is the same all the time, then it is like singing the same song over and over again. But new times require new songs.
Translighters SUPER helps the body restore information channels. It does not introduce external structures into the body. Its main effect is to align your inner structure with external structures and eliminate conflict between them. The energy of the body does not change. Translighters SUPER does not add external energy. You have enough energy!
Translighters SUPER helps eliminate energy loss. As an analogy, consider a dirty light bulb. “If we clean it, more light will come from it.” But the electrical energy in the light bulb has not changed – it emits the same amount of light. A similar situation with you: Super restores your energy, reducing ineffective spending. The body’s energy expenditure on restoring its own information system is reduced.
The effect of normalization is obvious. Its essence is that if we measure any parameters of the body (parameters of the endocrine, immune or any other system), we will see that the parameter increases when it is below the norm and decreases if it is above the norm.
The manifestation of a normalizing effect allows us to talk about the implementation of the principle “Do no harm.” In fact, if we go back to normal, Super can’t do any harm. If the body parameters are normal, then nothing happens; if not, then there is a movement towards the norm, although this movement may differ from case to case. Your information channel is restored and the body’s adaptability and stability increases.
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GDVPLANET online store and community since 1999
what is the translighter super? plastic, medallion for pocket or neck chain (?), credit card form or a picture for wallet???
Sounds positive in the approach about giving the body what it needs to be optimum…
Much respect because of the gdv back checking and your invention.
Dear Den, this is card. Translighter Super looks like a Viza, but working better
Dear Friends,
I want to get the super card , I saw the properties to harmonize the body and the energy in ypur web site but Is there any scientific study that proves its benefits?
thank you!
Happy new year!
Victoria Maldonado
Dear Victoria, Translighters Research here:
Hello, i would like to buy one Super but from Argentina we can´t pay with paypal now.. Would it be possible to add as a payment method to the “Stripe” platform or that it can be paid directly by credit card, please? Thank you, Daniel
Dear Daniel, we will cancel Paypal soon. You can order Super here (Stripe) and: Back to School!