The system for structural and informational optimization of business.
The Modulator of spatial-temporal resources.
The system TRANSLIGHTER BLAGA BRILLIANT is intended for increasing the flow of wealth and resources (including financial ones).

10 LAD
The majority of people are concerned with a lack of resources and wealth. Mostly people impede receiving these resources due to limitations put on by themselves. However, most of these limitations are dictated from the outside by society. A transfer of these limitations is realized through money. If you take a bank-note, you will receive information through this “carrier” and put down information yourself as an eradiating system. You get “carriers” on which somebody else, holding it in his hands, has already written his own attitude towards money. This information was superimposed on his understanding about what money is, on his own attitude towards money, resources and wealth. Thus appears a social environment, which creates stereotypes. These stereotypes do not allow you to realize your creative potential, block the financial fluidity, in input or output, over-squeezing the flow of wealth. You start to suffer from the lack of resources when you do not possess the things you want to have. On the whole, you suffer from a lack of resources in general, and the main resource is time. Usually people transform their own time into some resources, including money. So, the main purpose is to give you a way out into another time layer to take away the appeared limitations and distortions, imposed by the outer medium, i.e. to let yourself rise above the current situation and events.
The TRANSLIGHTER BLAGA is the system for restoring your time flow. Widening the time flow leads to an increased information flow and more resources (including financial ones). You will not only have the possibility to realize something in your life, but will also get the necessary information and the right ideas, and all that was difficult to realize before due to distortions of flows. The TRANSLIGHTER BLAGA helps you to harmonize, to clean all the flows coming to you. In fact, all the information flows. In this case the flows will come to you, not distorting your own structure, which controls the processes of thinking, spiritual constituent, new ideas and their realization. An important property of the system “Blaga” is its ability to attract cash flows necessary for concrete goals. With the help of the TRANSLIGHTER BLAGA you will transform pathological processes in their bio-energy matrix, thus acquiring physical and spiritual health. As a consequence, you begin to do the kind of work which will bring you greater satisfaction and financial stability.
With the help of the BLAGA, you will be able to unite your individual particular interests and aims with the universal cosmic level of energies and vibrations, getting the possibility to perceive knowledge from the Universe (intuitive feeling of your own path, prompts, breakthroughs, enlightenments (illuminations) of mind, fresh ideas). You will be able to comprehend cosmic codes of abundance and well-being and to direct money flows into the desired course.

Reducing the problems in your life
The principal formula of success means the following: If you manage to be in the right place at the right time, then you’ll be successful, if not, you won’t. This possibility to be in the right place at the right time is directly connected with the system of receiving and processing information from you. If your informational links are broken, you won’t get the necessary information. As a result, you find yourself in a place you don’t intend to be in. The surrounding world begins to force you out of this place, the evidence of which is strain, stress and conflicts. As a consequence problems of different levels start to arise (interpersonal, health, social, etc.). Then you begin to wage a war against the world instead of living in peace. The system TRANSLIGHTER BLAGA harmonizes structural informational links and helps to improve relationships in business as well as personal ones. It also helps to accumulate dense life potential of a high quality. You begin to understand your goals and path of life more clearly. You will be more successful and integral. The number of conflicts in your life decreases sharply, which makes life happier and of much higher quality.
Please see Translighters Games Episodes about Translighters BLAGA System
video TG, Season 2 about Translighters BLAGA System (on HLS website):
TG2, E15 – Secret of the Golden Keys
TG, S2, E14
TG#31, GLAGA Gold
TG 32, Gold Game
TG 30, BLAGA Gold training
TG 28, BLAGA Gold
About Blaga Brilliant
About Translighters BLAGA System
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