The headband system adapter TRANSLIGHTER EUREKA tailors the system of human knowledge to other knowledge systems. The TRANSLIGHTER EUREKA helps to construct new knowledge, creating conditions for striking effect.
Other characteristics of Eureka:
- Increases the user’s perception of a new information;
- Relieves stress and fatigue during training;
- Makes it possible to get new information easier;
- Makes it easier to adjust to a variety of database and biological networks (The Biointernet);
- Helps to establish relationship between a trainer and a trainee;
- Facilitates the perception of a new paradigms;
- Increases the ability to fantasize and originality of thinking;
- Allows going beyond the stereotypes and generating unique personality traits on the back of multifaceted presentation.
Using it, you can become a generator of new ideas and unconventional solutions.
We are all in the virtual world. Every minute we do get information, analyze it and develop responses to the results of the analysis. It seems so natural and habitual, that the process of information exchange becomes completely invisible. However, we all know that the word can cure. It turns out that the flow of information that passes through a person leaves a certain trace in him/her.If the information flow is clean, a person develops himself/herself, acquiring new qualities, he/she becomes more complicated and multifaceted. But sometimes information flow can be distorted and false, which leads to forming inappropriate deformations.
Why does the information change a person? And how to make the process wholesome rather than destructive?
There’s such an expression as the Light of Knowledge. The actual process of obtaining information is closely connected with the light, which is reflected in a culture and language. “Enlightment”, “illumination”, “inspiration”, “insight”. The percularites of information processes and their links with light can be seen in these words.
When the light falls on the matherial body, it is devided into three parts. One part of the light is reflected, the second part is refracted and goes through the body, and the third part is absorbed by it. The absorbed potion of the light is accumulated in the body and changes its energetics. As a result of such light perception, new connections are appearing and the old ones are breaking up. Therefore, there are some changes in the body.
All living beings are emitting light in different ranges. This is a visual part of light system of exchanging information. The part of this system can be seen with the help of Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) devices. With this light living organisms receive information and transmit it to the outside world. Interacting with each others by means of the light they are changing themselves. You may say that these are very subtle changes, but they can significantly influence the living creature as the energy of the light is very low. If we consider the pure physical aspect, that is true. However, the information interactions aren’t linear and obey the laws of synergetic. As a result it can be seen that, according to the principals of self-organisation, even the weakest impacts can cause very big changes.
Welcome to Another Future!
The Mask – equipment for for Yoga, Lucid Dreaming, Remote Viewing, Intuitive Information Sight, Meditation, Telepathy, Materialization and for other The Biointernet Practices
The system adaptor “EUREKA” has been developed to optimize the interaction of light and to eliminate the structural distortions in this system.
Most people believe that only words are involved in the daily information exchange. Actually, people exchange images with each other. Words only trigger associative response as a reaction on the image chosen by the association on a word or sentence.
Imagine, that you are reading a fiction book. From the very first pages you don’t notice letters and words, and start seeing a “movie”, pictures, which author has created. We communicate with each other in a same way. When the words are pronounced, they are followed by streams of images. When the images of interlocutors are similar, they can understand each other properly and easily. But if the streams of images are different, there’s no mutual understanding, though the illusion of such mutual undertanding can be remained.
The system adaptor “ EUREKA” helps to improve this mutual understanding, coordinating streams of images, narrowing them down to a common semantic field.
Besides, the system adaptor EUREKA corrects distortions in a person, insighting him/her and creating basis for understanding the information received. This is especially important during training.
The term insight shows the essence of a process, but doesn’t say anything about the result. Whether the Light of Knowledge enter a person, whether he/she will be able to percieve this light? There’s no answer to this question.
The system adaptor EUREKA helps to make a process if insight successful. As a result, more light appeared in a person due to the insight process in a trainee.
The term “transmission of information” doesn’t show the essence of information processes. Therefore it’s inaccurate. It’s better to say about generating or reproducing of information. A new information, which hasn’t been present before data interaction, appears.
Imagine that you’re a traveller, standing in the cross-road, and you don’t know which way to choose. If there’s a sighnpost there, you can read and make a choise. And when there’s no any sighnpost, the choise is made at random. Suppose, that you have chosen one way and came up to the castle. Now you know that one road leads to the castle. That is, you have created new information about the castle from yourself. Previously, you didn’t have any information about it. Before you learn about this construction, it has already exisred, and there was information about it in the surrounding world. As for the traveller, new information appeared only as the result of his interaction with a castle itself. You could form an image using a map or some photographs. In each case, you will create your own images and generate new information.
Let’s concider another process. An architect was asked to build a castle. He was given some basic data and the deadline for submission of the project. The architect studies the construction site, topography, building matherials, etc. And thinks, thinks, THINKS. Suddenly, the vision of the future castle appears in his head. At that moment the information about new castle is arising, and then it will be embodied in different physical carriers – in drawings, maquettes, building structures, etc. Here we meet another information generating process, which we call information synthesis.
Why are we talking about generating of information in the first example, when it’s easier to say about data receiving? The traveller has only known about something that has already existed. The fact is that the information which has emerged in the traveller’s mind does not entirely consistent with the information about the castle. The image of this building, which appeared in your head, evoked the memories of other castles and their features, so you’ve perceived image on the basis of the knowledge available. You can refine these representations, if you come closer and enter the castle but this image (that is, the traveler’s information) will never be identical to the architect’s conception. If you start to tell your friends about the castle, they will create their own image, which would be quite different from yours.
Thus, we have two fundamentally different types of generating information processes. One corresponds to the acquisition of already available knowledge, and the other conformed to creation of new knowledge. But these are the processes of generating information, rather than receiving it. That is, any person generates light during cognitive processes. This light can be of various natures. The difference between the kinds of light emitted by humans is similar to the difference between the sunshine and the moonlight. There are synthesis processes of generating light on the Sun, and the Moon reflects sunlight, although changing its characteristics (polarizes it).
EUREKA helps at any type of generating information. During acquiring knowledge it accelerates the educability. In the process of creating new knowledge EUREKA helps its emergence–the insight.
In both cases we face a phenomenon, which is called understanding.
When a person is being informed about something, ar first it may happen that he does not understand this information, but gradually the process of comprehension emerges. The transition from a state of incomprehension into comprehension happens suddenly, as a leap. The same happens with strickening. Suddenly it dawned upon a person how to solve a problem or to achieve the desired result. Similarly, transition manifests to a new state in a sharp change. It is like a flash of a light. Appropriate energy is necessary for such a flash. If there is not enough energy, the process of light exchange will be disrupted. System adaptors LIC increase energetics of the light interaction process, which can be seen as an increasing of the glow area in the GDV grams.
Transition to a state of comprehension is determined not only by energy. The complexity of information (its dimension) is an important consideration. Inability to perceive complicated information may be the result of insufficient dimension of perception. Imagine that you are looking at a flat two-dimensional image. It is very difficult to understand the spatial arrangement of picture elements. However, if it’s a 3-D image, the situation is changing.
What is the difference between a flat image and the 3-D one? Not one but two images are located with some bias or shot with from points in the three-dimension image. Analysing two 2-D images, human brain can form one image but more dimensionaly compound. That is, the brain combines two “points of view”. The system adaptor BLAGA improves the dimensionality of perception of complex information and combines together different points of view. It allows go beyond the usual stereotypes of thinking and generate a new idea, a new paradigm, a new reality. However, increasing the dimensionality of perception is also the possibility of taking other people’s points of view. Opportunity to see the rational grain in another opinion and another views makes a person more tolerant to others, remove blinders from his eyes, promotes the growth of humanity. What else unites processes of generating information? One of the main conditions for the success of these processes is the intention of gnosis. The intention is the condition of orientation of a person to the proper information. If a person is persistent enough in his/her intention, he/she always receives the required information. He/she will draw it to himself/herself. Such a person can connect to the appropriate data base and get what he wants. Light perception system allows him to connect not only to the immediate and easily accessible knowledge (data) base, but also to remote ones.
However, the availability of knowledge (data) base is relative and depends on many factors. One of the major factors is the possibility of attainment to the required knowledge base. There are many practices for such attainment. Without going into details of these practices, we note that “TRANSLIGHTER EUREKA” raises capabilities of such attainment. Actually EUREKA is a key to the planetary and universal BIOINTERNET. Obviously, it provides a significant increase in the probability of success with the appropriate persistence in learning necessary practices.
How to use the system adaptor EUREKA?
When you have to think over a new project, to learn a new subject or a lesson, put a headband EUREKA on. You will feel that the process of perceiving new information will be easier, stress will reduce, thoughts will become legible and wording will be clearer and simpler.
If the wearing of a headband is not possible, then just keep a headband with you (for example, in your pocket).
The fabric sleeve of the Headband can be hand-washed in lukewarm water and air dried.
Science, Magic, Technologies
The Mask
Welcome to Another Future!
The Mask – equipment for for Yoga, Lucid Dreaming, Remote Viewing, Intuitive Information Sight, Meditation, Telepathy, Materialization and for other The Biointernet Practices
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The headband system adapter Eureka tailors the system of human knowledge to other knowledge systems.
Eureka helps to construct new knowledge, creating conditions for striking effect.
With Eureka we recommend Mental and Perspective