Translighters BLAGA System
BLAGA System – The system for structural and informational optimization of business
BLAGA System – The Modulator of spatial-temporal resources
The BLAGA system (BLAGA) is intended for increasing the flow of wealth and resources (including financial ones).
Welcome to the BLAGA System!

BLAGA System is intended for increasing the flow of wealth and resources (including financial ones). The word BLAGA has no unambiguous translation into English. The closest words – Goods, blessings, wealths (money, goods, good relationships, success, luck, etc., all things that are included in the concept of a happy life). Goods and wealths will be used further for the translation of the word BLAGA.
The majority of people are concerned with a lack of resources and wealth. Mostly people impede receiving these resources due to limitations put on by themselves. However, most of these limitations are dictated from the outside by society. A transfer of these limitations is realized through money. If you take a bank-note, you will receive information through this “carrier” and put down information yourself as an eradiating system. You get “carriers” on which somebody else, holding it in his hands, has already written his own attitude towards money. This information was superimposed on his understanding about what money is, on his own attitude towards money, resources and wealth. Thus appears a social environment, which creates stereotypes. These stereotypes do not allow you to realize your creative potential, block the financial fluidity, in input or output, over-squeezing the flow of wealth. You start to suffer from the lack of resources when you do not possess the things you want to have. On the whole, you suffer from a lack of resources in general, and the main resource is time. Usually people transform their own time into some resources, including money. So, the main purpose is to give you a way out into another time layer to take away the appeared limitations and distortions, imposed by the outer medium, i.e. to let yourself rise above the current situation and events.

The BLAGA is the system for restoring your time flow. Widening the time flow leads to an increased information flow and more resources (including financial ones). You will not only have the possibility to realize something in your life, but will also get the necessary information and the right ideas, and all that was difficult to realize before due to distortions of flows. The BLAGA helps you to harmonize, to clean all the flows coming to you. In fact, all the information flows. In this case the flows will come to you, not distorting your own structure, which controls the processes of thinking, spiritual constituent, new ideas and their realization. An important property of the system Blaga is its ability to attract cash flows necessary for concrete goals. With the help of the BLAGA you will transform pathological processes in their bio-energy matrix, thus acquiring physical and spiritual health. As a consequence, you begin to do the kind of work which will bring you greater satisfaction and financial stability.With the help of the BLAGA, you will be able to unite your individual particular interests and aims with the universal cosmic level of energies and vibrations, getting the possibility to perceive knowledge from the Universe (intuitive feeling of your own path, prompts, breakthroughs, enlightenments (illuminations) of mind, fresh ideas). You will be able to comprehend cosmic codes of abundance and well-being and to direct money flows into the desired course.
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With its help the man will be able to unite his individual particular interests and aims with the universal cosmic level of energies and vibrations getting the possibility to perceive knowledge from the Universe (intuitive feeling of one’s own life way, prompts, breaks-through, lightenings (illuminations) of mind, fresh ideas). In this case the man is able to comprehend cosmic codes of abundance and well-being and to direct money flows into the desired course.
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Reducing the problems in your life

The principal formula of success means the following: If you manage to be in the right place at the right time, then you’ll be successful, if not, you won’t. This possibility to be in the right place at the right time is directly connected with the system of receiving and processing information from you. If your informational links are broken, you won’t get the necessary information. As a result, you find yourself in a place you don’t intend to be in. The surrounding world begins to force you out of this place, the evidence of which is strain, stress and conflicts. As a consequence problems of different levels start to arise (interpersonal, health, social, etc.). Then you begin to wage a war against the world instead of living in peace. The system BLAGA harmonizes structural informational links and helps to improve relationships in business as well as personal ones. It also helps to accumulate dense life potential of a high quality. You begin to understand your goals and path of life more clearly. You will be more successful and integral. The number of conflicts in your life decreases sharply, which makes life happier and of much higher quality.
Welcome to the BLAGA System!

Forming the freedom of thinking and purposes

Stereotypes imposed on you from the outside through different sources of parasite information may be evident (as mass media), and non-evident (as different carriers, such as bank-notes, material objects etc.). They lead you away from your true purposes, making you waste your lifetime on the realization of alien ideas and a false sense (meanings). If you are passive, you drift in the flow of time which is called karma or destiny. If you are active, the system BLAGA forms the freedom of thinking. You acquire the freedom to form and realize your own destiny. Usually the most difficult problem is to formulate the purpose: what you need, why you need it and how to reach it. When the purpose is defined and set, the creative process of thinking begins. The given system helps to define the purpose (discarding false purposes,) which will be expedient to your life and to life in general. Further, after forming the purpose you will move more easily without hindrance in realizing your purpose. It is called “to lighten the own way”. It will be much easier for you to move towards your goal, new ideas will come by themselves and your life will shape naturally and by itself. Thus, the BLAGA will draw your attention to tasks which are clearly defined, preventing you from self-betrayal, i.e. without distraction on unnecessary and redundant actions (though “prestigious “ones), and this optimizes the process of utilizing your full potential for reaching your goals.
Growth of stability in your business
A business is only stable as long as it grows. At the same time macroeconomic processes may have a tendency to recess, making the market situation worse. The BLAGA diminishes the influence of negative factors. It is a fractal structure, which projects your consciousness onto the system of life, the “net mind”. As a result additional possibilities arise to build a stable system of synchronizing the duration of your business with the multi-dimensional construction life’s “net mind”. The form of manifesting the result is not formalized and non-predictable. But from the global point of view any business becomes more stable in relation to unbalanced characteristics of the macroeconomic situation.

Welcome to the BLAGA System!
Use of the BLAGA system
The principal element, with which the user works, is the card of the TRANSLIGHTER BLAGA. Every card has a personal number which is seen on the front side. There is also a second number, which is imprinted into a chip inside the card. Both numbers form a unique pair, protecting the card from anything fake. You carry the activated card with you (in your purse, pocket, or wear it on a cord).

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The card fulfills the following functions:
1. Cleaning bank-notes from imposed informational distortions. For this purpose you should put the card into your purse or wallet.
2. Elimination of structural spatial-temporal distortions within you (on the levels of ethereal, astral, mental, casual bodies). In this case you should carry the card in your pocket or wear it on a cord.
3. Elimination of strains and pains in the body. Put the card to the problem place with the front side towards it. You will feel a release of the pain.
How the system of structural-informational servicing TRANSLIGHTER BLAGA functions:

The BLAGA is developed using theoretical concepts of the Physics of Structures and Synergy of information processes. Within its structure is the fractal principle of representation of multi-dimensional processes, which have temporal connectivity.
Living systems use the fractal principle of organizing their structure to increase stability. To make it simple, fractality may be understood as the inclusion and representability of one kind of subsystem into another. All systems and organs in a human being have their own reflection (representation) towards each other. So, it is possible to diagnose the whole organism by using only one of the systems. For example, diagnostics by the iris, pulse diagnostics, diagnostics by acupuncture points, diagnostics by fingers’ illumination (the Kirlian photography), etc. It is also possible to cure the whole organism by stimulation of separate organs or systems – stimulation of the palm , or stimulation of separate canals (meridian therapy), etc. Many times the experiments were described when a blood test is taken from a sick animal, and it is evident that the blood is bad. Then the blood is put into a refrigerator, and they start to cure the animal . When the animal gets well there appears that the blood-test in the fridge becomes healthy. It proves that between the systems in the organism there exists not only spatial connectivity (location in one place), but also the temporal connectivity (being as a whole in the time). Using the fractal principle of organization in living systems leads to the fact that with the growth of complexity of a living system its stability in relation to unfavorable factors increases. A well-known fact is that the more complex is the biocenosis of organisms, the greater is the range of temperatures in which they survive.
Many times the experiments were described when a blood test is taken from a sick animal, and it is evident that the blood is bad. Then the blood is put into a refrigerator, and they start to cure the animal . When the animal gets well there appears that the blood-test in the fridge becomes healthy. It proves that between the systems in the organism there exists not only spatial connectivity (location in one place), but also the temporal connectivity (being as a whole in the time). Using the fractal principle of organization in living systems leads to the fact that with the growth of complexity of a living system its stability in relation to unfavorable factors increases. A well-known fact is that the more complex is the biocenosis of organisms, the greater is the range of temperatures in which they survive.
The structure of the BLAGA was created for building up dimension capacity of interaction in time. A man being a representation of multi-dimension structure in our four-dimension space-time existence perceive the idea of time as one-dimension coordinate, though it is a vector in multi-dimension space. Impossibility to provide temporal connectivity (integrity) leads to repeated cycling motion in a certain temporal layer with some limitations.
The person puts all the limitations himself. The BLAGA to some extent eliminates representations of these limitations, that is, it leads the man into another time layer, where such limitations do not exist or they are much weaker. Growth of the wealth flow is connected with using the received chances. If a person is active and tries to find new possibilities then he goes easily out of these limitations and gets the effect. Different people may have different results – some of them change their aims and work out new ideas for realizing their business: others acquire new relations and offers, still others manage to do more (events in their life come together successfully) or save more money learning to economize in shopping. At the same time we should take into consideration.
Translighters Games, Season 2, Episodes about BLAGA Gold (on HLS website)
A human, being a representation of a multi-dimensional structure in our four-dimensional space-time existence, perceives the idea of time as a one-dimensional coordinate, though it is a vector in a multi-dimensional space. The impossibility of providing temporal connectivity (integrity,) leads to a repeated cycling motion in a certain temporal layer with some limitations.
Welcome to the BLAGA System!

The human puts all the limitations onto himself. The TRANSLIGHTER BLAGA to some extent eliminates representations of these limitations, that is, it leads you into another time layer, where such limitations do not exist or where they are much weaker. Growth of the wealth flow is connected with using received chances. If you are active and try to find new possibilities then you go out of these limitations easily and get the effect. Different people may have different results – some of them change their aims and work out new ideas for realizing their business, others acquire new relations and offers, still others manage to do more (events in their life come together successfully,) or they save more money learning to economize in shopping. At the same time we should take into consideration the outer influence when some losses are possible (as in the case with the world crisis).
In the diagram there is possible dynamics. Vertically there are units of the card cost. But if the general tendency is towards lowering the income, then all the dynamics may appear damper of this recession. Buying the keys for increasing the dimension capacity of the wealth flow, the user of this system gets the chance of increasing the general dynamics. It should be remembered that we speak about the wealth flow – not about the cash flow. Both the flows may correlate with each other, but also may not – if there appears the chance to use the wealth omitting the money stage. And of course different scales of activity mean various scales of dimension capacity of the wealth flow and investments in the support of the structure.
Translighters BLAGA System
The cards BLAGA GOLD and BLAGA BRILLIANT differ from the BLAGA Classic in the scale of dimension capacity of the wealth flow (growth of dimension of time).
Elimination of limitations does not mean that you will use the chance. If the door was locked and then opened, it depends on you if you enter or not. New relations may appear but using them is fully connected with your activity.
It is necessary to take into account that time is needed for representation of new possibilities. This time is different with different people: new ideas may appear in several days for some people, this period being longer for others. So, you buy the keys when you can see the effect of using the BLAGA. Golden Keys.
Welcome to the BLAGA System!

The BLAGA is a graphic configuration (stylization) of the temporal-spatial model for providing the life matter. In this particular case it is a financial guarantee (over concentrated energy of life). Temporal tracks of movement of energy flows pass over into spatially-evolving structures of material wealth. The energy of desire is being turned along the light pattern of the temporal model of developing memory of the future, forming the system of light-accumulation of life resources. Spatial-temporal configuration of material well-being initiates the plan of events representing life competency.
The BLAGA is a spatial-temporal former of matter, transferring it from mental, pre-mental, casual, fantasy world into the real world. By its structure it is an intensifier, going through “the thought acquires density” and becomes a concrete material object. Transformation or transmutation may be spasmodic (by leaps) as well as gradual. The protecting system of filters is inserted in its structure, which prevents negative thoughts or destructive ideas from going through the intensifier. In the structure of the BLAGA the fractal principle of organization of temporal and financial flows is realized.
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Golden Keys
Cards of the Blaga and the Blaga Gold are delivered active, that is don’t demand the special procedure of activation. They provide expansion of the field of events of the user and, as a result, expand opportunities for providing with the wealths. It is equivalent to expansion of the area of a stream of the wealth. Except cards of the Blaga (various face value) the system of keys of increase in regularity of a flow of the benefits is provided. Keys create additional positive the feedback between the entering flow of the wealth and the proceeding flow of the wealth. Due to application of keys intensity of a flow of the wealth increases. For each type of cards (the Blaga, the Blaga SILVER, Blaga GOLD) there is the type of keys. These keys demand activation before application. It is possible to get several keys at once and then to activate them as required.
The concept of the Flow of the Goods (wealth) is directly related to the concept of time. People create connections in time and get benefits(the Goods, wealth) through these connections. People spend their lifetime on the creation and maintenance of these relations. Therefore, the time is the non-renewable resource that people spend on obtaining various benefits, both material and non-material (money, goods, good relationships, success, luck, etc., all things that are included in the concept of a happy life). People can spend their lifetime with different levels of effectiveness. Various kinds of noise, both external and internal ones, prevent the person from optimal spending of time by increasing the number of errors and waste of resources. The Blaga cards enable their users to reduce these wastes and to go beyond the borders of personal limitations. This happens mainly thanks to the increase of the scales of the person’s interactions with the time.
We can imagine the model of one’s interactions with the times a cone of events in three time coordinates.
For people time is manifest as sequences of events, which are the transition from cause to effect.
Owing to the variety of reasons, which can lead to one or many effects of the same cause, it is possible to speak about parallel events as a multitude on the field of events. So we can imagine the field of events, in which a person is involved, as a circle on a plane of time coordinates t1 and t2. The diameter of the circle depends on the limitations that a person imposes on his or her actions. It is also related to the dimension of the third time coordinate t3. This t31dimension determines the cone of events in which a person is able to create connections that will enable him/her to receive the flow of benefits (blue lines in Figure 1). The diameter of the circle in the plane of the field of events determines the scales of the flow of benefits for a particular person.
The Blaga card increases the scales of interaction with the time. So the user of the card moves from point t31 to point t32(so the dimensions in this coordinate increase). The cone of events increases (the red lines in Figure 1), which leads to the extension of the field of events.
The user of the Blaga card gets an opportunity to go beyond his/her own limits and to begin to create new connections that will increase the flow of the good.This can be manifest in new ideas which will suddenly appear, in new people they will meet, new opportunities that were unavailable before. Most often the users of the Blaga cards notice that they have become more successful and that they need less time than before to achieve positive results.
It is necessary to pay attention that these new time reserves should be used for creative activity. Under creative activity we understand creation of new things, which did not exist before. This does not necessarily have to be arts, as it is possible to create new things in any field.
Different people have different scales of interaction with the time. Most often it is manifest in different incomes or different levels of events, which happen in the lives of these people. Some people are employees with low salaries, others have their own business. The levels of business can also be different. All people have different scales of the field of events.
The increase of the field of events while using the Blaga card depends on the value of the card. There are different cards: Blaga, Blaga SILVER, Blaga GOLD,Blaga PLATINUM andBlaga BRILLIANT. In Figure 2 one can see the difference between the increase of the flow of benefits, caused by Blaga Gold (in the left) and a usual Blaga (in the right). The level of this increase is reflected in the prices of the cards. The scales of the Blaga Silver are five times higher than those of a usual Blaga, the scales of the Blaga Gold are ten times higher than those of a usual Blaga, the scales of the Blaga Brilliant are one hundred times higher than those of a usual Blaga. The users can determine themselves what scales of the Translighter Blaga correspond with their activity. Different levels of activity require different scales of the flow of the good, therefore, they require different investments in the maintenance of the structure. One should buy the card the price of which is available for him/her. Also, it is necessary to keep in mind that a transfer to a new level requires time and particular skills in organization of necessary connections.
Cards of the Blaga and the Blaga Gold are delivered active, that is don’t demand the special procedure of activation. They provide expansion of the field of events of the user and, as a result, expand opportunities for providing with the wealths. It is equivalent to expansion of the area of a stream of the benefits. Except cards of the Blaga (various face value) the system of keys of increase in regularity of a stream of the wealths is provided. Keys create additional positive the return communications between the entering stream of the benefits (wealths) and the proceeding stream of the benefits (wealths). Due to application of keys the intensity of a stream of the benefits (wealths) increases. That is, the Blaga card expands the field of events and increases, thereby, the flow of benefits, which is similar to an increase in flow due to an increase in the diameter of the pipe. Keys Blaga increase the flow rate.
For each type of cards (the Blaga, the Blaga SILVER, GOLD Blaga, Brilliant) there is the type of keys. These keys demand activation before application. It is possible to get several keys at once and then to activate them as required.
Welcome to the BLAGA System!
Translighters Games about Blaga System:
TG, Episode 10 – Translighters BLAGA System
TG, Episode 11 – working with BLAGA
video TG, Season 2:
TG2, E15 – Secret of the Golden Keys
Translighters Games, Season 2, Episodes about BLAGA Gold (on HLS website)
Transformation or transmutation may be spasmodic (by leaps) as well as gradual.
The protecting system of filters is inserted in its structure, which prevents negative thoughts or destructive ideas from going through the intensifier.
In the structure of the BLAGA the fractal principle of organization of temporal and financial flows is realized.
For its complete realization in a particular man two conditions are necessary:
1. The person should have the card
2. The support of fractal connectivity of the business of a concrete person and the structure of the BLAGA.
The support of fractal connectivity is provided through the procedure of acquiring the card – keys for increasing the dimension capacity of the flow of wealth. The keys may be bought online on GDVPLANET or Translighters Shop.The client gets confirmation of activating the card – keys by email. After receiving the reply letter about the activation key should be attached to a key card for 4 hours. Thereafter, the key can be removed from the card. You do not have to wear it with the card.
3. We recommend to activate the keys every 2 months. To get the keys to the cards on our website

Welcome to the BLAGA System!
Today, we are working with 4 levels of Translighters BLAGA System by Dr. Sergey Avdeev, by intensity of visualisation:
Blaga Silver
Blaga Gold
Blaga Brilliant
Golden Keys