What is Bio-Net?
Bio-Net – B2B Translighters Digital Network

B2B Translighters Digital – first the Biointernet Service in the World
B2B Translighters Digital for Companies and corporations, Associations and professional societies, Companies selling health related products and Private specialists working in the field of traditional medicine
Welcome to the Bio-Net!
1. Companies and corporations doing business in distribution of medical equipment on the market of traditional (alternative) medicine, Low and Superlow Fields devices, the Biointernet, Human lightSystem Equipment.
2. Associations and professional societies working in the field of traditional medicine and naturopathy.
3. Companies selling health related products and working on the principle of MLM marketing (MLM companies). Health related products market and new devices.
4. Private specialists working in the field of traditional medicine (herbal therapy practitioners, acupuncturists, diet therapy practitioners, physiotherapists, homeopathic practitioners, hirudotherapy practitioners, massage specialists, etc.) and willing to distribute Translighters Digital technology in their professional circles.
Our approach is to create the best solutions for traditional medicine specialists, based on the unique algorithm of Human Light System using innovative devices and software technologies.
Welcome to Bio-Net Admins Team!
Bio-Net Admin’s Preferences

Magic Selfie – transfer Translighters functions directly to your client
Magic WWW – Transfer Translighters functions directly to your client
Technical Organizer – Transfer Translighters Lad and Econorm functions to the vehicle or/and technical devices (phone, camera, computer, microwave etc)